Privacy Policy
Personal Data Protection Policy
I. General provisions

This Personal Data Protection Policy (hereinafter the Policy) is an official document of LLC RW Consulting (Registration Number 40203334786, Taxpayer Number LV40203334786) located at the address: Riga, Klijanu 21-3, LV-1012, Latvia (hereinafter the Company), which sets forth how we are processing and using personal data of visitors (hereinafter the Users) of our website (hereinafter the Website) that are using the tools, information and services of the Company.

The aim of this Policy is to ensure the protection of personal data of the person against unauthorised access and disclosure.
All personal data collected during visits to the Website of the Company will only be used for improving the quality of Website operation in general or for processing your requests (including providing information about any new services of the Company).

This Policy governs any kind of processing of personal data and information of a private nature about the Website Users and services of the Company, including any activities (operations) or aggregate of activities (operations) performed by using automated tools or without using such tools with respect to personal data, including collection, recording, systemising, accumulation, storage, destroying (updating, changing), retrieval, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalisation, blocking, deletion and destroying of personal data.

II. Collection of personal data

We process personal data to perform our obligations towards our Users and customers under the contracts, agreements entered into by and between us as well as in relation to using the Website of the Company and its services.

Browsing the Website does not require the mandatory provision of personal details and personal data; however, without providing your contact details you won’t be able to receive the information addressed to you from us or apply for the provision of services to enable us to call you back.
Personal data of our Users are only processed upon their consent.

The User provides personal data about himself/herself independently, based on his/her will and interests by completing a special registration form on the Company Website.

Personal data is understood as any information pertaining to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (personal data subject) that can be used for identifying a particular person or the relation to him/her.

The company processes the following personal data of Users:
  • Name, surname;
  • Email address;
  • Phone number.

Personal data may also include additional data provided by the Users upon request of the Company, when such is required to enable us to perform our obligations towards you, or based on their own will.

It is our aim to ensure that data stored about Users is accurate and up-to-date. We shall try to update the information in due time and not store the date for longer than necessary.

We do not verify the authenticity of personal information provided by the Users and rely on the fact that the User is providing authentic and sufficient personal information and is maintaining such information up-to-date.

You are entitled to know what personal data of yours the Company has exactly. You can change (update, supplement) personal information provided by you or any part of it at any time on the Website independently, or by addressing a relevant request to the Company.

You are also always entitled to demand your personal data to be deleted from our databases. According to the law, upon the receipt of such demand, we shall delete your data within 3 days.

III. Storage and use of personal data

All personal data provided by you during the visit to our Website will be stored on a specially protected server and will be processed by automated systems, except for in the events where non-automated processing of personal data is required to perform the requirements of the law or to provide the services.

Personal data and information about the Users will be stored for the period required to attain the goals they have been provided for, except for in the events where a longer period of storage of data and information is required under the law.
The Company may use your personal information for the following purposes:
To identify you as a User of our Website;
  • To enable us to call you back and talk about our services and how to use them;
  • To make visiting our Website more convenient;
  • To enable us to improve the quality of services and develop something new;
  • To enable us to contact you in the course of the provision of services and provide the opportunity to send you notifications and information about the services as well as answer your questions;
  • To enable us to carry out, from time to time, statistical and analytical research in the area of advertising and visiting the Website based on depersonalised personal information;
  • To enable us to offer you the advertisements that are most in line with your interests and needs (targeted advertising);
Employees of the Company have access to your personal data exclusively within the scope and to the extent required for them to perform their job functions related to the provision of services. In doing so, we rigorously comply with all rules for working with personal data.
We maintain confidentiality of personal data of Users, except for in the events where you are granting access to information about you to third parties yourself.
We also take care of data security to prevent unauthorised access to data by other parties.

IV. Transfer and processing of personal data

We shall not transfer personal data of Users to any third parties, except for in the events described below.
  • The transfer of personal data of Users may be possible exclusively in the event if:
  • The User has provided his/her consent to do so;
  • The transfer is necessary within the scope of provision of services to the User by the Company;
  • The transfer is only necessary based on the requests of authorised state institutions of the Latvia for the reasons and in the procedure set forth by laws of the Latvia;
  • The transfer is made upon reorganisation of the Company, sale or other transfer of the Company’s business to third parties where all obligations to comply with the terms and conditions of this Policy are transferred to the acquirer;
  • The User himself/herself has provided instructions, and the consent of the User to transfer data to third parties, the partners of the Company, has been obtained. In doing so, such partners commit to maintain confidentiality of information about the User.

We shall block your personal data from the moment of your request or the request of the body authorised to protect the rights of personal data subjects if it is established that personal data are untrue or unlawful activities are carried out with such data.

V. Destroying of personal data

The Company shall destroy personal data of the User within 3 days if you revoke your consent to the processing of personal data or simply want us to delete such.

VI. Protection of personal data

Our Company is taking the steps necessary and sufficient to protect the personal data of Users, including the legal, organisational, administrative, technical and physical ones, with the purpose to ensure the protection of the personal data of Users against unlawful or accidental access, destroying, changing, blocking, copying, distributing as well as other unlawful activities by any third parties. Security of data is implemented by means of network protection software.

We can only guarantee the safety of your personal data when using our Website. We would like to note that our Company is not controlling and is not responsible for third party websites that the User may move to by using links in the process of using the Website or services of the Company, including social networks. Be careful when working on other websites. Third party websites may collect and request other personal information from the User and use such for their own purposes. Operations of third party websites should be governed by regulations for processing personal data by such websites.

VII. Collection and use of information that is not personal

When browsing our Website, reading the texts on its pages and downloading any other information, certain data are automatically registered about the computer you are using to browse the Website.

This information does not specify anything about you personally and is not personal (i.e. it is not possible to associate it with a particular person). It only enables us to count the number of Website visitors visiting certain pages as well as learn about the types of computers and software used by them. Thanks to this, we can constantly improve our website and make it more convenient and useful for you.

Such information is collected by using cookies, which will be described further herein.

When browsing the website, we collect the following data:
  • Date and time of visit to the Website;
  • Number of visits to pages, their names as well as the duration of visits;
  • Domain name (most often it is the name of the company providing internet access services or the organisation you are working in) and IP address granted to the computer to access the internet;
  • Type of browser (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox) and operating system (such as Windows 7 or Mac OS);
  • Type of device you are visiting the Website from (PC, tablet, mobile device or other) and its model (for mobile devices);
  • Website that you have moved to our website from (such as Google, if you have found our website with the assistance of a search engine).


The Company uses technologies such as cookies and pixel marks to make usage of our website easier and to provide you with the most appropriate content. Below you will find in detail what cookies are, what they are used for on the Company website and how to manage or delete them, if necessary.

What is a cookie?

Practically all websites are using cookie technology. A cookie is a small file used to save the settings for browsing web pages. This file is downloaded by the browser during the first visit to the website. When visiting that website from the same device next time, the browser may check the availability of the related cookie (i.e. the one containing the name of the site) and use data of this cookie to send them back to the website. This allows the website to establish that the website has already been visited from this browser and in some cases to change the displayed content.

On our website, we use both our own cookies and third party analytical tools for collecting data, such as the services Google Analytics, DoubleClick and AppsFlyer. These services help collect information about the use of our Website and they may collect additional information as well (about the gender, age and preferences of users), and do it on a general or anonymous basis, including all visitors of the website.

We use cookies installed from various domains. Examples of such domains are listed below.

Advantages of cookies
Some cookies are extremely useful as they can make it easier to use the website.. Provided you are using the same device and web browser as during the previous visit, the website can remember your preferences, notify us on how you are using our Website as well as display the content that meets your interests and needs most.

None of the cookies used on our Website collect personal information about the users.

Cookie categories
We use the following categories of cookies on our Website:

Category 1 - strictly required cookies
These cookies are required to view the website and use its functions.

Category 2 - operational cookies
These cookies collect information about the use of the Website, such as pages visited most often. This data may be used for optimising our Website and simplifying navigation. These cookies are also used by our partners to determine whether you have moved to our Website from the website of our partner and whether you have used our services resulting from visiting the website. These cookies are not used to collect personal information. All information collected by them is intended for statistical purposes and remains anonymous.

Category 3 - functional cookies
These cookies enable our Website to remember actions you made when browsing the website. These files may also be used to remember settings such as text size and font as well as other custom parameters of the website. These files may also be used to follow recommended products and videos to avoid repetition. Information provided by such cookies does not enable you to be identified.

Control of cookies
If you want to change the way the browser is using cookies, including blocking or deleting cookies from websites, you can do this at any time by using your browser settings. Upon switching off, deleting or refusing to receive cookies, some functions or possibilities of the Website may not be available.

To manage cookies, the majority of browsers allow you to either accept or decline all cookies, or to only accept certain types of cookies, or they prompt you for action every time the website wants to save a cookie. Besides, cookies saved on your device can be deleted by means of the browser in a very simple way.

The process of controlling and deleting cookies depends on the web browser you are using. To learn how to do this with a particular browser, use the built-in browser help or visit the site, where step-by-step instructions to control and delete cookies for the majority of browsers are provided.

VIII. User inquires
You can send us inquiries related to the use of personal data as well as applications regarding revoking consent to the processing of personal data in writing to the address: Riga, Klijanu 21-3, LV-1012.

Your inquiry should contain the details of your passport or other identification document and the information confirming that our Company is processing your personal data (such as reference to filling in the form on the Website), and your signature or signature of your representative. The inquiry may also be sent as an electronic document signed by electronic signature.

The Company shall examine and reply to your inquiry within 30 days from the moment of its receipt.

IX. Final provisions
You agree to the provisions of this Policy if, upon visiting the Company website, you have provided your personal data and information by filling in the form available on the Website.

The Company reserves the right to make any changes to the Policy at any time at its discretion, with the aim to further improve the systems in protecting against unauthorised access to personal data notified by the Users. If any Policy amendments are made, we shall publish the Policy on the Company Website for general access. Operation of this Policy does not extend to activities carried out on internet resources of third parties.

X. Feedback
All suggestions and questions related to this Policy and/or functioning of the Website should be sent to LLC RW Consulting to the e-mail address: or to the mailing address: Riga, Klijanu 21-3, LV-1012, Latvia.
SIA "RW Consulting", VAT: LV40203334786
Klijanu street 21-3, Riga, LV-1012, Latvia, EU
Klijanu street 21-3, Riga, LV-1012, Latvia
Klijanu street 21-3, Riga, LV-1012, Latvia
Klijanu street 21-3, Riga, LV-1012, Latvia
Klijanu street 21-3, Riga, LV-1012, Latvia